Pant, S.B. (2022). Bank Regulations and Corporate Governance. Is it complementing or conflicting?. European Academy of Management, Winterthur, Switzerland

Shrestha, A. K. & Chhetri, S. B. (2022). Workplace spirituality and employee wellbeing: Mediating role of psychological capital. In Ninth International Conference on HR Organized by KJ Somaiya Institute of Management, Mumbai, India.

Shrestha, A. K. & Tamrakar, B. (2022). Teaching online during COVID-19 crisis: Lived experiences of the faculty members of Nepali business schools. In Seventh Biennial Conference of Indian Academy of Management. Organized by Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak, India.

Tamrakar, B. & Shrestha, A. K. (2021). Workplace spirituality and work outcomes: Effects of impostor phenomenon and psychological capital. In Thirtieth Annual Convention of National Academy of Psychology, India. Organized by Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India.

Shrestha, B. K. (2021) Entrepreneurial Resilience of Nepali entrepreneurs during Covid-19 lock down in Inaugural Conference of Nepali Academics in America (NACA).

Shrestha, B.K. (April, 2021) Key management skills for Cooperatives in Nepal in National Cooperative Management Conference 2021

Shrestha, A. K., Luitel, B. C., & Petchsawang, P. (2020). Conceptualization of workplace spirituality in an Eastern context. In Sixth Biannual Conference of Indian Academy of Management. Organized by Indian Institute of Management Tiruchirrapalli, India.

Tamrakar B. &. Shrestha, A. K. (2020). Factors influencing human resource information systems in Nepali organizations. In Sixth Biennial Conference of Indian Academy of Management, Organized by Indian Institute of Management, Tiruchirrapalli, India.

Shrestha, A. K., & Jena, L. K. (2019). Interactive effects of workplace spirituality and psychological capital on employee negativity. In Twenty-ninth Annual Convention of National Academy of Psychology, India. Organized by Department of Applied Psychology, Pondicherry University, India

Pudasaini, S. ( 2018), “Factors and issues affecting consumer decision in e tailing in Nepal” INCON 2018 - 13th Edition (International Conference on 'Ongoing research in Management & IT' Organized by Institute of Business Management & Research Pune, India

Khadka, B.K., Sthapit, P., and Sharma, S. (2017), “Self Help Group’s Effects on Women’s Empowerment” Annual Kathmandu Conference on Nepal & the Himalaya, July 26, 2017, Organized by Social Science Baha.

Chhetri, S. B. (2017). Predictors and Outcomes of Work Family Enrichment: Empirical Study of Married Private School Teachers. International Conference on HRM. Hyderabad: IBS

Risal, H. G. (2017), Impact of Repo and Reverse Repo on Interest Rates, 14th international conference organized by university of Shreejayavardanepura, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Chhetri, S. B. (2016). Antecedents and Consequences of Job Engagement: Empirical Evidence of Bank Employee 3rd International HR Conference on Employee Engagement K.J. Somaiya Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai.

Khilju, S., Shakir, F. Keilson, B. Shrestha, B.K. (2015), Authentic Leadership: The Other Culture Perspecitve from South Asia, Leading Across Borders and Generation, October 14-17, 2015, International Leadership Association's 17th Annual Global Conference, Barcelona, Spain

Gnawali, K. R. & Shrestha, B.K. (2015) Customers' purchase decision criteria and quality certification marks in FMCG in super stores and marts, Research Seminar in Marketing, June 12, 2015, Kathmandu University, School of Management (KUSOM) and Institute of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) Nepal Chapter, Kathmandu

Shrestha, R & Shrestha, B.K. (2015) Users' adoption of internet banking, Research Seminar in Marketing, June 12 2015, Kathmandu University, School of Management (KUSOM) and Institute of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) Nepal Chapter Kathmandu.

Adhikari, B. & Shrestha, B.K. (2015) Market orientations, innovativeness and performance in higher education institutes, Research Seminar in Marketing, June 12, 2015, Kathmandu University School of Management (KUSOM) and Institute of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) Nepal Chapter Kathmandu.

Dahal, S. & Shrestha, B.K. (2015) Customers' attitude towards mobile advertising, Research Seminar in Marketing, June 12, 2015, Kathmandu University School of Management (KUSOM) and Institute of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) Nepal Chapter, Kathmandu.

Sharma, S. & Shrestha, B.K. (2015) Shopping mall attributes and customers' motivation on mall selection, Research Seminar in Marketing, June 12, 2015, Kathmandu University School of Management (KUSOM) and Institute of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) Nepal Chapter, 5, Kathmandu.

K C, Subas (2015) Accreditation for institutional learning and growth of business schools: Perspectives from Nepal, Accreditation for Institutional Learning and Growth Ed. AMDISA

Shrestha, B.K. & Shrestha, R. (2015). Developing MBA students’ intention for social businesses, Global Social Business Summit Academia Conference November 3-4 Berlin, Germany.

Shrestha, B.K. (2015). Corporate political influences as strategic edge and ethical implications, Seminar on Public Policy, October 9, Administrative Staff College, Kathmandu.

Shrestha, B.K. (2015) Teaching business opportunity recognition in class. Entrepreneurship Education and training: design, delivery and effectiveness International consortium for innovation and entrepreneurship research (ICIER) and Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) 29-31 January 2015, Bangalore

Shrestha, A. K., & Baniya, R. (2015). Emotional intelligence and employee outcomes: Moderating role of organizational politics. In Second HR Conference on Emotional Intelligence. Organized by KJ Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai, India.

K C, Subas (2014) Building quality in management education through institutional development: Perspective from Nepal, Building Quality in Management Education for Sustainable Institutional Development, AMDISA

Shrestha, B.K. (2014) Incorporating ethical business practices in Nepali companies Ethical Practices for Business Success - Responsible business summit -2014 December 16 -17, 2014 Kathmandu, Nepal.

Shrestha, B.K. (2013) Religiosity and Customers’ brand choice behavior. Reshaping Organizations to Develop Responsible Global Leadership (2nd International Conference) Nepalese Academy of Management March 10 – 12, 2013.

Shrestha, B.K. (2012) Opportunity Recognition Model of Successful Entrepreneurs of Nepal, International Conference on Technology Innovation Management (TIM) 12. October 10 – 12, 2012, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University Nepal.

Shrestha, A.K. & Mishra, A.K. (2012).Relationship of Job Stress, Locus of Control, Organizational Support, and Social Support to Psychological Strain, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions: A Study in Nepali Commercial Banks, 12th Hawaii International Conference on Business, Hawaii, USA June, 2012

Shrestha A. K., Mishra, A. K. (2011). Leadership styles, Employees’ Commitment to Organizational Change, and Organizational Performance: A Study in a Nepali Technology based Organization. In Eleventh South Asian Management Forum, Organized by Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia (AMDISA).

Shrestha, B.K. (2011) Development as Discourse for Ethnic Peasants of Kathmandu, 11th South Asian Management Forum. May 16-17, 2011, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Shrestha, B.K. (2010) Perception of Differences in Quality of Graduates: Employers versus Students, 16th International Conference in Quality, Asia Pacific Quality Organization, September, 18-20, 2010, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Wagle, A. (2008). South Asia: Environment and human Security-- A New Nepal: Developments, Dilemmas and, Directions. La Trobe University, Australia.