A leading post-experience program for value addition in career 

Change stops never, challenging managers to keep on learning and adapting on a continuous basis.   Managers are, however, constrained in their development because of their career.  For many the choice between career and education is a difficult one.  Executive MBA at KUSOM blends and optimizes both. This is a post-experience management education program that helps managers learn to change and grow in career – not outside it.  It is designed for working professionals who wish to fight obsolescence and improve management and leadership capability to get ahead. 

KUSOM EMBA is and intensive two - year course designed to prepare individuls in careers as successful managers and entrepreneurs capable of coping with the complex world of today and of futrue. It is designed for working professionals eager to enhance their managerial competencies and leadership qualities.  

Experienced managers pursuing EMBA at KUSOM

  • Improve and update management knowledge and techniques in a practical and application oriented learning environment;
  • Enhance analytical, leadership and strategic ability to diagnose real organizational issues and address them professionally;
  • Apply and integrate management concepts and skills to local situations with global perspectives;
  • Develop specialization in one functional management discipline; and
  • Grow in their career while developing organizations by demonstrating professional values, practices and behaviors.


Terminal competencies

After completing all the curricular requirements of the program, the graduating students will be able to:

  • Exercise practically- relevant and theoretically- sound managerial, leadership and entrepreneurial competencies required for improved managerial, leadership and entrepreneurial performance in their career and organizations;
  • Demonstrate enriched diagnostic, analytical and problem-solving competencies in a wide range of managerial roles and functions relevant to their profession and organizations resulting in improved personal and organizational performance;
  • Practice a high level of professional, social, ethical and personal values, standards, behaviors and skills required in exercising professionalism in management; and
  • Pursue continuous self-learning, professional growth as well as organizational development for ensuring efficiency, effectiveness, competitiveness and value addition in individual and institutional role performance.

These competencies will be developed by use of a mix of theories, research and experiential works during the program, and will be reflected in the design of course works, pedagogic approaches, pre-program orientation, real-life problem solving assignments and project works, co-learning and networking opportunities with experienced colleagues, course evaluation, and finally research work at the end of the program.