Enterprise and Management Development Center

Professional works for and with industry for improved practices

Kathmandu University School of Management has established Enterprise and Management Development Center (EMDC) to deliver professional management services directly to business and development organizations. EMDC is our response to the market demands for quality management services. The effort is being professionally supported by Virginia Tech, an American University of national and international prominence, and Devtec Nepal P. Ltd., with funding support from the State Department of US Government.

EMDC brings academic knowledge and professional skills of management to the use of Nepali managers and organizations assisting them in addressing their real management and business problems for improving organizational effectiveness and capacity while generating and testing Nepal-based management knowledge and practice for wider dissemination.

EMDC Aims to:

  • Assist in improving management skills, practices and systems of business enterprises and development organizations for them to enhance market competitiveness, institutional performance and management capacity;
  • Facilitate the enterprise and entrepreneurship development processes with professional business guidance and capacity enhancement supports for entrepreneurs and their helping agencies;
  • Provide KUSOM faculties, student and associates with real management experiences while establishing linkages with real world organizations that are mutually beneficial; and
  • Generate, test and disseminate Nepal-based management knowledge and best-practice examples for use by academia and practitioners.

Know more about EMDC

  • EMDC Services
  • EMDC Clientele
  • EMDC Events