
In order to continually upgrade the educational standard and getting on the global academic map, KUSOM has maintained international academic linkage with a number of universities.


Memorandum of Understanding
Academic Institutions    
S.No. Institute Purpose Date
1 China's Hebei University of Economics Business Development, Constructions and Future plans for the Institute Jun-06
2 Centre for Security and Justice Studies Collaborative Actions to Plan and Deliver Post Graduate Diploma in Security Management Nov-07
3 University of New Mexico (UNM), Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA Agreement of Cultural and Academic Cooperation Mar-09
4 Korea University, Korea Agreement for Cooperation Aug-09
5 I.T.S Management & IT Institute, Ghaziabad Establishing contact, collaboration and common actions in academic endeavors Sep-11
6 Fontys International Business School (Venlo, The Netherlands) Promote and expand international understanding, development, and friendship  Jun-13
7 Nepal Library Foundation Collaboration on Academic, Research and Professional Matters Sep-13
8 Management Development Instiute Collaboration on Academic, Research and Professional Matters Oct-13
9 Nepal Administrative Staff College Collaboration on Academic, Research and Professional Matters Dec-13
10 Kohinoor Business School Collaboration on Academic, Research and Professional Matters Jan-14
11 Institute of Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Development Collaboration on Academic Research and Professional Matters Feb-14
12 GITAM School of International Business, GITAM University Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India Research and Educational Collaboration for induatrial, social and cultural interest Sep-14
13 Association of Chartered Certified Accountants Academic Collaboration Sep-14
14 Macquarie University Collaboration on Academic, Research and Professional Matters Jan-15
15 FORE School of Management, New Delhi, India Academic Exchange and Cooperation Aug-15
Business Organization
S.No. Institute Purpose Date
1 Buddha Air Establishing Collaboration on Academic, Research and Professional Matters Dec-07
2 Unilever Nepal Limited Establishing Collaboration on Academic, Research and Professional Matters Dec-07
3 Khetan Group Establishing Collaboration on Academic, Research and Professional Matters Dec-07
4 Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Ltd. Establishing Collaboration on Academic, Research and Professional Matters Dec-07
5 Butwal Power Company Ltd. Establishing Collaboration on Academic, Research and Professional Matters Mar-08
6 Surya Nepal Establishing Collaboration on Academic, Research and Professional Matters Apr-08
7 Embassy of Turkey Developing a New 10 room girl's hostel Apr-09
8 Jyapu Samaj, Lalitpur Establishing Cooperation for Uplifting The Jyapu Community of Lalitpur and Enhancing KUSOM Welfare Feb-11
9 Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry Collaboration in a mutually beneficial manner Sep-11
10 Janta Bank Nepal Limited Agreement on Placement Feb-14
11 Nepal Telecom (Nepal Doorsanchar Company Ltd.) Collaboration on Professional, Research and Academic Matters May-14
12 Childreach Nepal Collaboration in setting up of Business Incubation Center at KUSOM May-14
13 Nepal Army Management Development Nov-14