Nandram, S. S., Bindlish, P. K., Shukhada, & Shrestha, A. K. (2022). Spirituality led ethical decision making with Yogic Yamas and Niyamas. Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, 19(3), 237-257.

Tamrakar B. & Shreshta, A. K. (2022). Factors influencing Use of Human Resource Information System in Nepali Organizations. Journal of Business and Management Research, 5(1-2).

Wagle, A. (2022, April). Why can't expenditure take place? Nepal Rastra Bank Monthly Samachar 67Th Anniversary Special Publication.

Chhetri, S. B., & Baniya, R. (2022). Influence of student-faculty interaction on graduate outcomes of undergraduate management students: The mediating role of behavioral, emotional and cognitive engagement. The International Journal of Management Education, 20(2), 100640.

Duwadi, E. P., Adhikari, S., & Nepal, S. (2022). Status of Patient-Doctor Communication in a Nepali Hospital. Birat Journal of Health Sciences, 7(1), 1669-1672.

Panta S. and Gupta P (2022). Corporate Governance and Bank Regulation. Is it Complementing or Conflicting? Journal of International Business and Economics. Forthcoming

Panta S. and Thapaliya, A. (2022). The Effect of Interest Rate Spread on the Profitability ofCommercial Banks in Nepal. Nepal Economic Review (Journal of Central Bank of Nepal. Forthcoming

Jha, P. K. ( 2022). Factors Affecting Non-Performing Loans of Nepalese Commercial Banks. SEBON JOURNAL,9,16-28

Shrestha, A. K., & Jena, L. K. (2021). Interactive effects of workplace spirituality and psychological capital on employee negativity. Management and Labour Studies, 46(1), 59-77.

Wagle, A. (2021). Nepal's Economic Development Regional Geopolitical Considerations. Edited C. D. Bhatta, & J. Menge, n Gaida's Dance with Tiger and Dragon. FES, Germany

Risal, H. G. & Koju, P. (2021), Testing the Weak Form of Efficiency in Nepalese Stock Markets. SEBON JOURNAL, 8(1), 20-33.

Panta S. (2021). Theories and Practices of Corporate Governance: Evidence form Nepalese Banking Sectors. Annual Publication, Nepal Stock Exchange (2021).

Awale, S & Shrestha, B.K (2021) Effectiveness of print advertising practices of higher education service in Nepal, Journal of Promotion Management, 28(1),

Karki, D., & Risal, H. G. (2021). Rural Entrepreneurship in Wintergreen Oil. FIIB Business Review.

Karki, D., Risal, H. G., & Dahal, S (2021). Spillover effect of quantitative easing on venture capital flow into the emerging economies: A case of India. In Doing Business in Emerging Markets (pp. 206-232). Routledge India.

Karki, D., & Regmi, R(2021). Inquiry on the Effect of Federalism in Patterns of Internal Migration in Nepal: Study from Province 1. South Asian Studies.A Research Journal of South Asian Studies, 35 (2), 381-400. University of Punjab.

Jha, S. K., & Dhungana, A (2021). Evidence on Presence of Adaptive Market Hypothesis in Nepal Stock Exchange.

Min, J., Yang, K., & Thapa-Magar, A. (2021). Dark tourism segmentation by tourists' motivations for visiting earthquake sites in Nepal: implications for dark tourism. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 26(8), 866-878.

Jha, P.K. & Basnet, S. (2020). Effect of Government Budget Announcement on Stock Returns: Evidence from Nepal Stock Exchange. Shanlax International Journal of Commerce, 8 (2), 10-21.

Duwadi, E. P. (2021). Digital Humanity for Nepali University Teachers. In Learning How to Learn Using Multimedia (pp. 149-156). Springer, Singapore.

Ram, T & Acharya, K. (2021). Banking Frauds: Causes and Preventions. Journal of Banking, Finance & Insurance. Vol. 2, 3, 2021.

Duwadi, E. P. (2021). Fostering Public Army Relations in Nepal. Unity Journal, 2, 70-80.

Adhikari, H. (2021). Book Review in Educational Action Research, UK

Adhikari, H. (2021).Book Review in NELTA Journal, Nepal – 2021

Wagle, A. (2020). Federalism in Nepal: A Review of Implementation. Public Administration Association of Nepal Journal(9).

Lamichhane, R., & Karki, D. (2020). Assessment of Efficacy of Lab-Based Learning in Enhancing Critical Thinking and Creative Thinking Among Learners. Westcliff International Journal of Applied Research, 4(1), 2020.

Karki, D. & Kafle, T.(2020). Investigation of factors influencing risk tolerance

among investors using ordinal logistic regression: a case from Nepal Cogent Economics & Finance (2020).

Rosenbaum, M. S. M. S., Edwards, K. L. K. L., Malla, B., Adhikary, J. R. J. R., & Ramírez, G. C. G. C. (2020). Street harassment is marketplace discrimination: The impact of street harassment on young female consumers’ marketplace experiences. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 57.

Duwadi, E. P. (2020). Opportunities and Challenges of BRI to Nepal: A Nepalese Perspective Horizon, 2(2), 15-22.

Rajopadhyaya, U., & Jha, K. (2020). Common Fixed Point Theorems Using Compatible Mappings of Type (R) in Semi-metric Space. In Mathematics Education Forum Chitwan. 5( 5), 40-44.

Risal, H. G. & Poudel, S. (2020), Role of Credit Risk in Performance Difference between A and B Class Banks in Nepal. NRB Economic Review, 32(1), 37-53.

Parajuli, B., Acharya, K., & Shrestha, D. (2020). Epidemiology of traumatic spinal cord injury in Nepal: A systematic review. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences, 11(6), 121-128.

Acharya, K., Muldoon, O. T., & Chauhan, J. (2020). Tara Rai’s Chhapamar Yuwatiko Diary: Narrative & socio-political context of her war trauma in Nepal. Narrative Inquiry, 30(1), 122-141

Rai, K.B., Bhattarai, P.C., & Shrestha, B.K. (2020) Strategic Actions: Evidence from Micro and Small Enterprises in Nepal, International Journal of Business & Applied Sciences 9(3), 37-46.

Shrestha, A. K. (2019). Developing positive psychology as a universal science: Cultural and methodological challenges. Indian Journal of Positive Psychology, 10(2), 83-87.

Chhetri, S. B. (2019). Predictors and Outcomes of Work-Family Enrichment: An Empirical Study of Married Private School Teachers. IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior, 18(3).

Risal, H.G. & Panta, S.B. (2019), CAMELS-Based Supervision and Risk Management: What Works and What Does Not. FIIB Business Review, 8(3), 194-204.

Karki, D. & Risal, H.G. (2019), Asymmetric Impact of Oil Price on Inflation: Evidence from Nepal. NRB Economic Review, 31(1), 21-46.

Baral, P & Shrestha B.K. (2019) Influence of customer relationship management on customer behavior, a moderating role of social media in bank and financial institutions, Int. J of Electronic Customer Relationship Management 12(2), 75-96.

Wagle, A. (2018). Implications of Fiscal Imbalances in Nepal's Federalism: An Empricial Approach. NRB Economic Review, 30(1), 47-68.

Risal, H. G., & Karki, D. (2018), Impact of repos and reverse repos on interest rates: Evidence from Nepal. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 24(1), 29-42

Risal, H.G. & Rawal, D.B. (2018), Derivatives: Risk and a possible Linkage in Nepali Economy, Nobel Business Review, 1(2), 18-21

Adhikary, J. R. (2018), Work family conflict and career satisfaction in Banking sector in Nepal, NRB Economic Review, 30(1), 69-96

Duwadi, E. P. (2018). Historical developments in the teaching and learning of English in Nepal. English language teaching in Nepal: Research, reflection and practice, 179-185.

Shrestha, A. K. (2017). Workplace spirituality and employee attitudes: Moderating role of organizational politics. Journal of Business and Management Research, 2(1-2), 33-51.

Risal, H.G. & Gupta, C. P. (2017), Impact of Education on Earnings in Nepal, Delhi Business Review, Vol 18(1), 1-14

Chhetri, S. B. (2017), Predictors and Outcomes of Work Family Enrichment: Empirical Study of Married Private School Teachers, 4th International Conference on HRM, Hyderabad: IBS

Risal, H. G. (2017), Impact of Repo and Reverse Repo on Interest Rates, 14th international conference organized by university of Sri Jayewardenepura, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Muldoon, O. T., Acharya, K., Jay, S., Adhikari, K., Pettigrew, J., & Lowe, R. D. (2017). Community identity and collective efficacy: A social cure for traumatic stress in post‐earthquake Nepal. European Journal of Social Psychology, 47(7), 904-915.

Acharya, K., & Muldoon, O. T. (2017). Why “I” became a combatant: A study of memoirs written by Nepali Maoist combatants. Terrorism and Political Violence, 29(6), 1006-1025.

Jha, P. K. (2017). Determinants of Capital Adequacy Ratio: A Study of Selected Nepali Commercial Banks. Dynamics of Managing Organization in Changing Scenario. New Delhi: Bharti Publications., 28-44.

Shrestha, A. K. (2017). Workplace Spirituality and Employee Attitudes: Moderating Role of Organizational Politics. Journal of Business and Management Research, 2 (1&2), 33-51.

Adhikary, J. R. (2017). Leadership styles and student satisfaction: Mediation of teacher effectiveness. Asian Journal of Business and Management, 5(2), 62-69.

Chhetri, S. B. (2017). Predictors and Outcomes of Employee Engagement: Empirical Study of Nepali Employees. Journal of Business and Management Research, 2(1 & 2), 15-31.

Chhetri, S. B. (2017). Antecedents and Consequences of Job Engagement: Empirical Study of Bank Employees. Business Perspectives and Research, 2278533717692919

Adhikari, S. & Jha, P. K. (2016). Applicability of Portfolio Theory in Nepali Stock Market. NRB Economic Review, , 28(1), 65-92.

Malla, B., & Rosenbaum M.S. (2016). Understanding Nepalese Labor Migration to Gulf Countries. Journal of Poverty, DOI: 10.1080/10875549.2016.1217578

Adhikary, J. R. (2016). Barriers to career progression: A study of the perception of Nepali women employees. Journal of Business and Management Research, 1(2), 17-32.

Jha, P.K. (2016). Investor's Irrationality: Insights from Behavioral Finance. Wealth: International Journal of Money, Banking and Finance, 5 (1).

Duwadi, E. P. (2016). Teaching English in Nepal: A Quest for Deep Learning. Global language policies and local educational practices and cultures. Deep University Press..

Duwadi, E. P. (2016). A New Meaning for Glacial Pace: The Irony of Landlocked Himalayan Countries and Climate Change. Climate Change in The Bay of Bengal Region, 75.

Shrestha, A. K. (2016). Positive psychology: Evolution, philosophical foundations, and present growth. Indian Journal of Positive Psychology, 7(4), 460.

Shrestha, A. K. (2016). Further validation of workplace spirituality scale in an Eastern context. Journal of Business and Management Research, 1(1), 1-13.

Panta,S. B., Puyal, N., Sharma, R. & Vora, G. (2016). The Cross-Section of Stock Returns: An Application of Fama-French Approach to Nepal. Modern Economy, 7, 223-231.

Panta, S. B. & Bedari, D.P. (2016). Cost efficiency of Nepali Commercial bank in the context of regulatory changes. NRM Economic Review, 27(2), 75-90.

Shrestha, A. K. & Baniya, R. (2016). Emotional intelligence and employee outcomes: Moderating role of organizational politics. Business Perspectives and Research, 4(1), 15-26.

Ghimire, B., Perrott, L., & Karki, D. (2016). The effect of market conditions on forward looking portfolio performance. Journal of investment strategies, 5(4), 51-85

Trinh, V., Karki, D. and Ghimire, B.(2016). Systematic risk determinants of stock returns after financial crisis: Evidence from United Kingdom, Journal of Finance and Investment Analysis, 5(1).

Shrestha, B.K. (2015). Business opportunity recognition and development process: a study of Nepalese Entrepreneurs. South Asian Journal of Management 22(4), 7- 28

Wagle, A. (2015). Building a Provincial Economy for Nepal: Prospects and Challenges. SEJON, 4.

Shrestha, B.K. (2015). Religious Ethics and Socially Responsible Behaviors of Small Firms in Nepal. Journal of Religion and Business Ethics, 3(1), accepted for publication.

Khilji, S.E., Keilson, B. Shakir, F.Y. & Shrestha, B.K. (2015). Self, follower, organization and the context: a cross culture view of authentic leadership. South Asian Journal of Global Business Research. 4(1), 2-26.

Shrestha, A.K. & Mishra, A. K. (2015). Interactive effects of public service motivation and organizational politics on Nepali civil service employees’ organizational commitment. Business Perspective and Research, 3(1), 21-35.

Aryal N. & Panta, S. B. (2015). Financial literacy and co-operatives sustainability: A study among the executive members of the co-operatives. International Journal of Community and Cooperative Studies, 3(3), 17-29.

Ghimire, B., Gautam, R., Karki, D., & Sharma, S. (2015). Banks, non-bank companies and stock exchange: do we know the relationship?. Economics and Business Review, 1(4), 25-45

Suacier, G. … Adhikary, J.R. et al, (2015). Cross cultural differences in a global survey of world views. Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology, 46(1), 53-70.

Rajopadhyaya, U. & Jha, K. (2015). Development of Some Common Fixed Point Theorems in Semi-metric Space. Kathmandu University Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, 4(2), 68-87.

Kumar, R. & Jha, P.K (2015). A Diagnosis of the Determinants of Dividend Pay-Out Policy in India: A Factor Analytical Approach. Strategic Business Infrastructure Development and Contemporary Issues in Finance.

Jha, P.K (2015). Stock Price Reactions to Cash Dividend Announcements: Evidence from Bombay Stock Exchange. Emerging Horizons in Finance. New Delhi: Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt. Ltd., 155-172.

Uprety, R. & Chhetri, S.B. (2014). College culture and student satisfaction. Journal of Education and Research, 4(1), 77-92.

Jha, K. , Imdad, M. & Rajopadhyaya, U. (2014). Common Fixed Point Theorem for Generalized Contractive Type Mappings in Semi-metric Space. International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Applications, 1 (8), 139-146.

Jha, K. , Imdad, M. & Rajopadhyaya, U. (2014). Fixed Point Theorem for Occasionally Weakly Compatible Mappings in Semi-metric Space. Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2(5), 153-157.

Rajopadhyaya, U. , Jha, K. & Cho, Y. J. (2014). Common Fixed Point Theorem for Occasionally Converse Commuting Mappings in Semi-metric Space. International Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 13(8), 627-634.

Rajopadhyaya, U. , Jha, K. & Imdad, M. (2014). Common Fixed Point Theorem in Semi-metric Space with Compatible Mapping of Type (E). Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 10, 141-147.

Rajopadhyaya, U. , Jha, K., Imdad, M. & Kumam, P. (2014). A Common Fixed Point Theorem for Weakly Compatible Mappings in Fuzzy Semi-metric Space. Journal of Mathematics and System Science, (4), 720-724.

Rajopadhyaya, U. , Jha, K. & Pant, R. P. (2014). A Common Fixed Point Theorem in Semi-metric Space Using E.A Property. Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 1(3), 19-23.

Duwadi, E. P. (2014). Listening skill for communicating effectively in teams. International Journal of Communication, 24(1).

Shrestha, B.K. (2013). Public Perception of Quality of Academic Education Program. Journal of Education and Research, 3(1), 52 – 64.

Shrestha, B.K. & Gyanwali D.R. (2013). Insights on Strategic Management Practices in Nepal. South Asian Journal of Global Business Research 2(2), 191-210.

Duwadi, E. P. (2013). Portrayal of women in major world religions. Bodhi: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 6, 50-64

Wagle, A. (2013). Foreign Exchange and Nepal's Direction of Trade. Journal of Public Finance and Development, 9.

Shrestha, B.K. (2012). Consumers’ response to sales promotion of fast moving consumer goods in Nepal. Business Perspective and Research (BPR), July 2012. 1. 13 - 24.

Wagle, A. (2011). Poverty Reduction with Strategic Communication: Moving from Awareness Rasing to Sustained Citizen Participation. Washington DC: The World Bank.

Duwadi, E.P. (2019) Mass media in Post-1990 Nepal: Ajar window of mass communication. Bodhi: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 4(1),210=222.

Duwadi, E. P. (2010), Nenglish: An inevitable reality or merely a mirage. Journal of Nelta, 15(1-2), 43-53.

Singha, D., Shirani, F. & Adhikary, J. (2009). Inclination of youth towards social networking sites: A three-nation exploration. Abhigyan, 27(1) 56-60.

Wagle, A. (2008). Human Capital Flight: The cause of Underdevelopment. NRB Economic Review, 20, 32-46.