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About PhD

General Information

The Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) in Management Program Regulations (hereinafter called the PhD in Management Regulations) has been prepared by the School of Management (hereinafter School) with approval from the Research Committee in accordance with the provision of Clause 23 (2) of Kathmandu University Research Related Rules 2062 (amendment in 2068 and 2074) (hereinafter called the Rules). The PhD in Management Program of the School (hereinafter called the PhD Program) shall be regulated according to the following rules. Detailed information on rules will be provided during orientation.


Objectives of the Program

PhD in Management is an advanced research degree program that offers substantial foundation to the PhD candidates (hereinafter called the candidates) in advanced theory, research and analytical skills to help them pursue advanced study in management and conduct high quality research independently in their fields. Candidates pursuing this program will acquire advanced knowledge in conceptual and analytical skills and therefore will have enriched research capability for advancing management knowledge, practice and profession.

Entrance Requirements and Procedures

a.The PhD Program is open to Nepali and non-Nepali nationals with:

  • An MPhil in Management or equivalent to MPhil in Management or two masters’ degrees at least one in management or economics discipline with strong academic record, and the degrees should be from universities recognized by Kathmandu University;
  • Minimum CGPA of 3.25 on a scale of 4.0 or 65 percent in aggregate;
  • Minimum 18 years of schooling completed. Candidates may complete the minimum schooling years by participating in the MPhil courses offered by the school, whenever the School or Research Committee deems it necessary. 

b.One individual research proposal.

c.The School shall conduct appropriate admission test, research presentation (oral examination) and personal interview to select candidates for admission.  

d.Selection of the candidates shall be based on:

  • Merit of academic achievements;
  • Scores on Admission Test;
  • Personal interview;
  • Evaluation of published or presented research article;
  • Presentation and/or oral examination on submitted proposal/ research article;

Special consideration will be given to the following factors at the time of personal interview, proposal evaluation and presentation:

  • Articulation and in depth of interest in research and specialization in management;
  • Demonstrated potentiality in pursuing research work and specialization in management and

Publication of research articles 

Conditions for Study Completion

  1. Candidates must complete all course requirements for PhD before embarking on proposal, and secure minimum B grade in each course to be a PhD scholar and start Research Proposal.  A candidate failing to secure the minimum grade in a coursework shall re-do it and failure to secure the grade in second attempt will subject the candidate to dismissal from the program.
  2. The minimum period of candidature for full time PhD candidates shall be three years and the maximum shall be five years.
  3. A candidate who fails to complete the PhD program requirements within the prescribed maximum period of five years, but makes sufficient progress in his/ her thesis work may apply for an extension by one year. The Chair of Thesis Advisory Committee must recommend the candidate to the Research Committee for extension with a detail progress report of the candidate.  
  4. The Research Committee shall terminate candidature when the candidate fails to:
  • Complete the coursework and research thesis requirements within six years including the exceptional extension by one-year;
  • Maintain a rate of progress on research work to the satisfaction of the Research Committee which it determines in consultation with the PhD Program Director/Coordinator (hereinafter called the Coordinator) and the Thesis Advisory Committee;
  • Comply with any reasonable instruction of the Coordinator, the Advisory Committee, and the Dean of the School concerning his/her PhD study; and
  • Comply with the requirements of the PhD in Management Regulations.
  • Extract and publish at least two research papers from his/her research study area in peer reviewed refereed journals during the course of PhD degree study.