Enrolment and Registration

a. Enrolment for the PhD Program shall be on biannual basis either for the Fall semester (August) or the Spring semester (February).

b. The selected candidates will be registered in the PhD Program as full time research students after fulfilling all other registration requirements of the University.

c. Registration of candidates initially will be temporary. Only after successful completion of study and defense of the thesis proposal by a candidate, he/ she will be permanently registered by the Research Committee on the recommendation of the main advisor.

d. Admitted candidate may be asked to study courses offered in MPhil in Management Program if the Research Committee finds that the candidate’s knowledge in research and management related courses is not sufficient. Candidates admitted with two masters’ degrees are required to do research related courses from MPhil program as per the recommendation of the Research Committee.

Suggested Format of Research Proposal

Admission Notice for Fall 2024

PhD Application Form Fall 2024

Admit Card

Admission form will be sent to applicants email address with in 3 days after the payment is done.

Payment option: eSewa

From mobile device only, bitly link:


1. Open eSewa app or URL with your valid credientials

2. In the search bar, types 'KUSOM' or 'Kathmandu University School of Management'

3. And select the KUSOM name with logo in the drop-down

4. Select 'New Application Form' and fill the requirements and complete your payment


1. Open eSewa app or URL with your valid credientials

2. Select 'School Fee' and go to 'College Fee payment'

3. Search 'KUSOM' in the search tab

4. Select the KUSOM name with logo

5. Select 'New Application Form' and fill the requirements and complete your payment

Application form Deadline: Tuesday, 20 August 2024