Placement Cell

About Us

KUSOM Placement Cell was launched in the year 2011 with an aim to bridge the gap between academia and the corporate world. The Cell is completely run and managed by students under the leadership of a faculty member who acts as its coordinator. It facilitates undergraduate and postgraduate students to get placements in various organizations by sharing information regarding potential company vacancies and by hosting the recurring annual mega event—KUSOM Job and Internship Fair (KJIF). Besides these, the activities of the Cell include organizing events like presentations by companies, guest lectures, training programs, and workshops, alumni connect, etc., in order to produce industry-ready graduates.

Activities of the Cell

KUSOM Job and Internship Fair: KJIF is an annual flagship event of KUSOM. KUSOM Placement Cell has been organizing the fair since 2011 A.D. The event is usually held for a day or two depending upon the number of participating companies. Such companies are usually around 30-50 each year hiring KUSOM graduates through KJIF.

Company Presentations and Guest Lectures: Company presentations are organized for the benefit of students to make them understand better about and get them familiarized with the companies and also to get an overview of the sector they represent/belong to alongside. Listening to the representatives from the company facilitates in making well thought through career choices. Such interactive guest sessions also help students understand the real-life scenarios and the way organizations succeed in dealing with and tackling them.

Orientation into Specialization Subjects/Disciplines: KUSOM Placement Cell, in coordination with both Graduate and Undergraduate Departments, organizes lecture sessions by inviting industry experts from diverse backgrounds who share their expert views and advice in an effort to help students make the right choice of subjects/disciplines to major in and specialize before they graduate.

Training and Workshop: Keeping in mind the ever evolving and dynamic market with fast changing demands of the market, the Cell offers highly beneficial training sessions and workshops such as Excel Training, Employability Training, Digital Marketing Workshop, etc., to graduating students before they join and make forays into the employee force.

Circulating vacancies: KUSOM Placement Cell receives vacancy related information from employers both within and outside Nepal on a regularly recurring basis. Such information that meets the expectations of the graduates are shared among students and those alumni that graduated most recently 

via email, and also posted in social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

How can we help you?

Are you an employer looking to hire KUSOM graduates? KUSOM Placement Cell welcomes you to join and become a part of its huge extended network to help circulate your vacancy positions to reach the potential /prospective candidates. You can mail us the vacancy requirements and details @ Following points may be kept in mind for sending such emails.

1.    A brief note on the participating hiring company

2.     Job Description of the opening you are hiring for

3.     Compensation (Pay Package Range may be mentioned)

Besides, the Cell helps you organize company presentations or conduct guest lecture sessions to expose the students about your brand while giving insights that would help them in their academics or career. We would love to assist you in reaching your prospective employees of the right kind and required number. Also, we can help you, as and when needed, to organize interviews via virtual or physical platforms as we also take care of your logistical needs. You can reach us via our social media handles—Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn. However, we do not entertain requests to circulate vacancy position through messages on these platforms. We prefer email as the formal means of communication meant for record and retrieval on a future date.

Why KUSOM Placement Cell?

As you are aware, there is an ever growing clutter and noise in digital media platforms and companies do find it increasingly difficult to reach out to their desired candidates. Of course, social media has made it easier to reach targeted audiences but the subsequent screening process that follows does create a lot of hassle to select the right candidates from the available pool of applicants. Organizations receive several benefits from out of their collaboration with KUSOM Placement Cell. Some of them are:

        Hiring the right candidates directly without the intermediation of any third party thereby saving both time and cost. Placement Cell facilitates the selection process by making available the student profiles and sharing the requirements of the companies via social media platforms.

        Enhancing the level of brand awareness among students and graduates via company presentations and guest lecture sessions that help them to interact with prospective candidates and assess if they fit into their organization or not.

        Selecting the best fits for your organizations as students of KUSOM are groomed in a rigorous and highly professional academic climate and are equipped with the employable skill sets that match the needs of the current market.

        Signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with KUSOM for both internships and jobs while also supporting the academia-corporate partnership endeavors by organizing student focused events. 


Please follow the events of Placement Cell 


