MBA Curriculum
The curriculum of the MBA program is designed to impart both theoretical and practical knowledge in various disciplines of management and areas germane to it. The courses help to enhance the depth and breadth of management capabilities of students. Lecture, case analysis and discussion, term-paper writing, seminars and project works are the common teaching methods used by the faculty to achieve the objectives of various courses. The teaching program emphasizes on students’ active participation and involvement in learning with the role of a faculty member mostly confined to that of a guide and counselor.
Four structured levels of courses, Foundations, Management Core, Integrated, and Specialization – Major and Minor, lead to the MBA degree. A student is required to complete altogether 63 credit hours to get a MBA degree. This includes 15 credit hours in foundation area, 17 in core and functional area, 11 in integrative area, 12 in the area of Specialization (Major) and, 6 in the area of Specialization (Minor) and 2 in internship. A student must also complete Rural Enterprise Service which is a non-credit mandatory course.
MBA | |
A student is required to complete altogether 63 credit hours to get a MBA degree.